Allied Academies

Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

Safe Food Now for a Healthy Future

Welcome Note

It is with great pleasure that we announce the 5th International Conference on Food Safety and Hygiene, which will be held on July 03-05, 2023, Edinburgh. This conference will deliver new ideas, convictions, strategies, and tactics in the field of food safety and hygiene.

The goal of Food Safety 2023 is to create high-quality keynote lectures, speaker sessions, seminars, exhibitions, poster presentations, and a young researcher forum that showcases global high-tech breakthroughs, case discussions, symposia, and methodologies in Food safety and food hygiene.

We are convinced that you will gain a lot of knowledge about food safety and hygiene as well as the excitement of this artistic webinar from this conference. We are thrilled to have you join us at this thought-provoking event. We're also excited to host eminent academics, scientists, surgeons, residents, and fellows from around the world to share the latest concepts and innovations in the field of food safety and hygiene.

We're working hard to ensure that this event is a big success and one that everyone will remember.

About Conference

Food Safety 2023 would like to extend a warm greeting to all participants from all over the world who will be attending the renowned Conference on Food Safety and Hygiene, Food safety is a crucial issue that has become a global crisis all over the world. Food is one of the most fundamental needs of every individual for survival. Every person has the right to adequate, hygiene food, and wholesome nourishment.

Food safety and hygiene specify harvesting, processing, storage, distribution, transportation, and preparation. You must keep it in such condition that no food become polluted or contaminated, As a result, food safety regulation is required.

"We're concentrating on people's survival, but safety and hygiene is also important."

Target Audience

  • Food Scientists
  • Professors
  • Industry Professionals
  • Directors
  • Academia (PhDs Researchers postdocs)
  • Food Engineers
  • Carbohydrate and Biopolymer Technologist
  • Food Technologists
  • Microbiologists
  • Dairy, cereal, meat Technologists
  • CEO's/Leaders
  • Functional Foods
  • Health Ingredient Industry
  • Food Quality and Safety

We are confident that the knowledge and skills given through the many events at the Food Safety and Hygiene Conference, such as discussions, speeches, talks, and presentations, will be a useful and learning experience for each and every individual, thanks to your involvement and engagement. This is going to be one of the most memorable events for all of us. It will bring all the Scientists, Professors, and Delegates together for remarkable success. We are looking forward to see you on the event.

Market Analysis

Global food demand is increasing day by day as the world's population grows. Food is the basic need that everyone requires. With the rise in demand for food products, it appears that quality is being overlooked. Global food demand is likely to increase by 40 percent by 2030. Despite the fact that top corporations are working hard to meet increased demand through the application of contemporary technologies, maintaining a balance between food quality and pricing is tough. We can witness that the consumption of food has consistently increased at a global level. The food and beverage industry is growing globally at a rate of 3.7% per year.

The market for food safety testing is reached around USD 20 billion in 2021, with a CAGR of 7.9% and it might reach USD 30 billion by 2026. The food sector is dynamic and complex. It is expected to grow as the world's population continues to grow, resulting in increased demand for convenience and processed foods. Farmers, food producers, and suppliers have been forced to raise the quantity and increase the quality of agricultural produce and food items in response to rising food demand. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, worldwide food production must increase by 70% by 2050 to meet rising food demand (FAO).

Food safety practices in the food sector have emerged as a result of rising consumer demand for fresh and acceptable food products. However, the high frequency of foodborne disease outbreaks in a number of countries, including wealthy ones like the United States,   As a result, there is currently a higher demand for food microbiological testing. The goal of microbiological testing is to discover and limit the growth of dangerous bacteria that can cause food spoiling and hence assure foodborne disease safety.


Allied Group, one of the best scientific conference planners in the world, has a unique voice in every field of business, technology, and research. A conference series' success is directly influenced by how far it reaches an online community. Every international conference, whether it be for research, academia, or business, needs an online audience.

The main attendees who have a strong interest in attending the Food Safety conference are research people, academicians, research institutes, industrialists, and students from the field of food safety. The number of unique visitors and page views for conferences based on food safety and hygiene are remarkably high, and they indicate a resounding success.

Allied expands its frontier by keeping track of each conference's proceedings on the relevant conference webpages and on its official social media accounts. The international scientific and industrial communities are thus invited to witness the variety of talks, discussions, product exhibitions, and alliances.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date July 03-05, 2023
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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